Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Ghost Story- Ghost Stories and Creatures of the Night

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Joel Owens

Whether their existence is in the realm of reality or just a figment of human imagination, one thing is certain - scary creatures of the night we come to know as ghosts never fail to capture our fascination. It is intriguing to note that debates about the existence of ghosts have been waged for centuries. Paranormal believers spread the word of veracity to prove they exist while skeptics continue to look for hard and quantifiable evidence to disprove the former's claim. The dispute goes on.

Though not all of us have actual encounters with these scary creatures, we are made aware of their interaction with the living through urban legends. These have circulated through oral traditions and in a way, helped preserve traces of ancient traditions of the world. In the recent years, many of them have been written making them more accessible to curious and skeptic minds alike. They may come in different forms, can be depicted as good or evil, and even be revered in some cultures as spirits of good fortune.

I have collected a list of and ghost stories and urban legends from all over the world that have contributed to people's growing interest, if not fear, in these creatures of the night. So curl up, pull a blanket and brace yourself for a good scare.

Bloody Mary

In a dark room at midnight, stand in front of a mirror, and start chanting "Bloody Mary" thirteen times. Then, wait for the horror hiding on the other side of the mirror. There have been many permutations of this legend, but the most famous one tells of a vengeful ghost of a woman that has reportedly killed the person calling her; clawed the summoner's eyes out; drove the person mad; or pulled the caller into the mirror with her.

No one really knows the origin of the Bloody Mary legend. Speculations say that Bloody Mary was a witch killed for practicing witchcraft.

Trapped in a Cemetery

A group of friends dare a member to stay overnight in a cemetery. The person is locked in inside a coffin with a corpse overnight. The morning after, the one who did the dare ends up insane with his hair turned white. No one knows what more there is to this legend because the victims never speak again.

Hanged Man in the Shower

You go to a vacation and decided to stay in a cheap motel to economize. Tired and weary, you take a shower to freshen up. As you enjoy the hot shower, you suddenly feel something touching your head. You feel annoyed and look up. A horrific sight of a hanged man meets your sight. You yell and call for the motel's manager. Upon coming back to check on the room, the hanged man isn't there anymore. You explained to the manager what you saw and upon looking at his face closely, you realize that he has the face of the man you saw hanged in the shower.

Kid Looking for a Report Card

This legend has been depicted in the Taiwanese film, The Eye. The legend tells about a kid going around the building, knocking on people's door looking for his missing report card. It turns out that the kid jumped off from the 13th floor of the building after having been scolded by his parents for not showing his grades. The child really lost the report card but was accused of lying by his parents. Desperate and scared of being beaten to a pulp, the kid opted to kill himself.

Corpse in the Elevator

An intern in a hospital is dispatched to the morgue located in the basement of the building. He is told to check on the patient who recently died and was taken to the morgue for an autopsy. The number on the patient's tag together with her name is the only thing he know about the patient.

When he entered the elevator, a woman dressed in a white robe is already there. He notices that the woman is also headed to the basement because the button was already pressed. The intern wonders if the woman is a doctor or a nurse because only those with official business can enter the morgue. His eyes then set on the wrist of the woman. There was a tag. The tag has the number of the dead patient he is supposed to check.

The next day, the intern ends up insane and unable to speak.

A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.

For more information and queries, you may visit Creatures of the Night.

Article Source:  Ghost Stories and Creatures of the Night

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Ghost Story- Celebrity Ghost Stories, Elvis Presley

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Alan To

Millions of fans around the world mourned the death of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley, on the 16th August 1977.

Despite the many rumours that Elvis is still alive and that he faked his own death, his ghost has been reported in several locations, including his former home, Graceland, in Memphis (now a tourist attraction) and at the Heartbreak Hotel on Elvis Presley Blvd., near Graceland. Elvis's ghost also has been spotted at the Nashville recording studios, where he made some early records. Many people over the years have snapped photos of Elvis - or whom they claim is Elvis - gazing out of upstairs windows at Graceland. People have also reported seeing him standing near his grave, and he has also been spotted hurrying up the stairs inside Graceland.

The Ghost of Elvis, dressed in a white-sequined suit, has also been seen by stagehands at the Las Vegas Hilton where he often performed in the early 1970s.  Elvis's Ghost has also been seen in a dilapidated old building just off Nashville's Music Row, which had once housed the recording studios of RCA in the 1950's. This is where Elvis recorded his breakthrough single, Heartbreak Hotel, in 1956.  Staff there claim that every time Elvis's name is mentioned, something weird happens. For example, ladders fall down, lights pop or go out, and unexplained noises can be heard coming through the sound system.

After the death of Elvis, many psychics claimed to be in touch with his spirit. In America, a prime-time television special was produced about Elvis' psychic mediums. Professor Hans Holzer thoroughly tested the most credible claimants and concluded that only Dorothy Sherry, a New York medium, was genuine. The seances with Dorothy Sherry were made with the co-operation of David Stanley, Elvis' half-brother, who corroborated the messages as being definite proof that Elvis was still communicating from beyond the grave.

The Webmaster

Article Source: Celebrity Ghost Stories - Elvis Presley

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Ghost Story- Celebrity Ghost Stories, John Lennon

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Alan To

The ghost of murdered Beatle John Lennon has been seen on a number of occasions by various people close to him, including former band mate Paul McCartney. Paul claims that when he, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr sang Lennon's song, "Free As A Bird" in 1995, John's presence was actually there in the studio.

"There were a lot of strange goings-on in the studio - noises that shouldn't have been there and equipment doing all manner of weird things," McCartney said. "There was just an overall feeling that John was around."

In another paranormal experience, McCartney said that when he and the two other "Beatles" had a photo shoot for the album, a white peacock came wandering over from a nearby farm. At the very last minute, the beautiful bird made its presence known, and McCartney received the strong feeling that it was the spirit of John Lennon hovering around them as they completed the recording.

McCartney said to the other two ex-Beatles: "That's John. Spooky, eh? It was like John was hanging around. We felt that all through the recording."

When Paul McCartney listened to the single's B-side, he believed that John was making his presence known there, too.

McCartney said, "We put one of those spoof backwards recordings on the end of the single for a laugh, to give all those Beatles nuts something to do. I think it was the line of a George Formby song. Then we were listening to the finished single in the studio one night, and it gets to the end, and it goes, 'zzzwrk nggggwaaahhh jooohn lennnnnon qwwwrk.' I swear to God."

Paul said of he, George, and Ringo: "We were like, 'It's John. He likes it!"

Though this ghost story comes from someone who never knew Lennon personally, this is quite an eerie one to read.

John Lennon was gunned down by crazed fan Mark Chapman on December 8, 1980 in front of the Dakota, a New York apartment. Joey Harrow, a musician who lives near the Dakota, experienced a ghostly sighting of John in 1983. Harrow claimed he saw John's ghost at the Dakota front doorway, where he'd been shot three years before. Harrow claimed that the Lennon apparition was surrounded by an "eerie light."

When Joey Harrow witnessed the sighting, so did the writer, Amanda Moores. She was present at the time Lennon's ghost was sighted. Amanda said that she wanted to approach the figure of Lennon and talk to him, but was dissuaded from doing so by the rather serious expression on the apparition's face that seemed to say, "No, don't come near me."

Liam Gallagher, of the pop group Oasis, claimed he was once visited by the spirit of John Lennon. He didn't know Lennon in real life, but held great admiration for the Beatle. When Liam stayed at friend's house years ago in Manchester, England, he felt the strong presence of his hero.

The singer said, "I was in Manchester at a mate's house having a sleep. I remember getting up and feeling really weird. I turned round and there I was, lying on the bed, and I sort of fell back into my body. There was a presence there and it was him, Lennon."

The psychic Shawn Robbins said she saw John's ghost in the Dakota building, and Yoko Ono herself was reported to have seen John sitting at his white piano. He turned to her and said, "Don't be afraid. I am still with you."

According to several Spiritualists, John's spirit lingered on Earth for a short time before a group of spirit Guides helped him to adjust to the 'other' world. A person who won't 'let go' after they are dead becomes a ghost who haunts the area of the tragedy. The Guides convinced him to join them in the spirit world and various mediums began receiving messages from him.

John's ex-wife, Cynthia, found a dead jackdaw wrapped in old newspapers dated 1956 behind the fireplace of her home in Cumbria. She told journalist Annette Witheridge: "John told Julian that if there was life after death, he would prove it by sending a feather as a sign. When Julian saw the jackdaw, he was really shaken. It's as if John is trying to get in touch with us."

The Webmaster -

Article Source:  Celebrity Ghost Stories - John Lennon

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Ghost Story- Campfire Ghost Stories

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Myrtha C 

You won't find ghost stories on any camping list. But you must pack a couple. It's what makes camping so memorable, especially for the kids.

  You know how in Little House on the Prairie, Pa would relax by the fire after a hard day's toil, put little Gracie on his lap, light his pipe, then starts telling stories? Families don't bond like that anymore.

  So when you have driven 3 hours to your campsite, built a roaring fire, and relaxing with your family in the cool night sky, do not blow the opportunity! Have a ghost story ready to tell.

  My favorite one is "Where is My Golden Arm?" This one is so old and has gone through so many variations, don't feel bad if you make it up as you go along. The basic idea is about a woman with a golden arm. She got her husband to promise to bury her beloved arm with her when she died. He did so. Then he fell on hard times or whatever variation you choose, and remembered the valuable treasure he buried. So he dug it up. Well, his dead wife's ghost came looking for it.

To hear an audio recording of "Where is My Golden A-a-a-r-R-M-M", drop by my blog post by clicking here:   rel=nofollow  .  But really, any thing you make up along that story line is good enough.

  Now, how you tell the story is as important as the story itself. Follow these story-telling tips for a memorable experience.

  Campfire ghost story-telling tips

First, choose a dark night,      preferably, with a wind howling softly in the background.
Sit around a crackling      campfire.
Speak in a soft voice very      slowly. This makes people pay      attention as they strain to hear you.
As you reach the end of the      story, gradually get louder.
Just before the punch line,      PAUSE. This is critical for suspense.
Then finish with a bang or      punch line. I have seen 3 very successful dramatic endings:
Jump up and pounce or      point finger at a person in the audience.
Recruit another person in the      audience (pre-story time) to make a loud scary noise.
Hold a flashlight      under your face and move it (the flashlight) wildly as you scream      at the top of your lungs. The audience will start screaming      uncontrollably.  Screaming uncontrollably. That's how a ghost story should end.

Watch VIDEOS of Camping how-to, tips, recipes, gear reviews at http://www.JoyofCamping.TV

Request Free book: 3 Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens, by emailing  []

Article Source:  Campfire Ghost Stories

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Friday, July 1, 2011

My Ghost Story- True Ghost Stories Help Us to Learn About the Paranormal World

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By David Slone

If you ever had a personal experience with a ghost or you know of any true ghost stories you will probably want to know what type of spirit, entity or energy was responsible. This is easier to determine with a repetitive haunting than with a one time sighting, but if you are very observant you should be able to narrow it down.

Did the story or experience involve an actual real 'live' ghost or was it more like a recording, or perhaps a poltergeist? There are a lot of paranormal phenomenon that are often mistaken for ghosts. Poltergeists, for example, aren't actually real ghosts, but are forms of psychic energy. Some hauntings are more like a movie in which a precise scene is played. This type of haunting often runs on a schedule. The ghost will be seen to go through the same motions or routine and will appear not to be aware of the living. If the ghost notices, or interacts with you it is definitely not an energy recording.

When you actually encounter a ghost or paranormal phenomenon it can be difficult to keep a cool head and really see what is happening. Don't let fear knock you out of learning. If you panic or turn away in fear you may miss witnessing a fascinating event. However, fear is usually the first emotion to hit a person when they come into contact with something from the 'other side'. It's only natural to fear the unknown, but don't let it control you. The more you are able to observe and write down the more you will be able to understand about what is happening.

While I have no doubt of the existence of ghosts I know that their interactions with humans can be rare. Perhaps I should say their interaction with perceptive humans. It does seem that some people have more of a propensity to see or feel paranormal presences than others. One person may have had numerous experiences with the paranormal while ten others have had none. We tend to base our beliefs upon our experiences. People that have never witnessed a paranormal event tend not to believe while those who have had personal experiences do.

Many times our knowledge about ghosts and the paranormal isn't derived from our own experiences, but come from stories we hear from others. Real ghost stories, especially those passed down through the years in many of our families, can be valuable sources for information. These stories can help us to gain a better understanding of what ghosts and the paranormal really are. If it has been a long time since you heard the ghost stories and perhaps you don't recall them well enough ask your parents or grandparents to tell them to you when you get the first chance.

For real ghost stories visit   rel=nofollow

When we hear ghost stories from others do we really listen? Don't just shrug it off, there may be a lot of truth in those ghost stories. Often a true ghost story is passed down through a particular family. Perhaps it happened to one of your grandparents and you grew up hearing it or maybe it even happened to you personally. Either way there are hardly any of us who don't know about several ghost stories that are told as to be true.

If you would like to read true ghost stories and learn more about paranormal subjects like poltergeists, electronic voice phenomenon, different types of hauntings, ghost pictures and more visit True Ghost Tales -

The next time you hear, or read a true ghost story, remember the paranormal world is real and ghosts do exist and they do so independently of our beliefs on the matter.

Article Source:  True Ghost Stories Help Us to Learn About the Paranormal World

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Ghost Story- Celebrity Ghost Stories, Telly Savalas

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Alan To

Best known for his iconic TV portrayal of the lollipop-loving detective Theo Kojak, the late, great Greek-born actor Telly Savalas had a real ghostly experience whilst driving home on Long Island at 3 a.m. one summer morning in 1954, when he ran out of petrol and decided to walk to a nearby freeway where he knew there would be a petrol station still open for service.

He walked through a wooded park, as a shortcut, when suddenly this man called out: "I'll give you a lift!"

Savalas admitted to being quite shaken by the voice, as he hadn't heard the big black Cadillac pull up beside him. But the man, who was dressed all in white, looked okay, and he took Telly to the service station. Once there, Savalas became instantly embarrassed on finding that he did not have enough change for the petrol. However, the stranger didn't seem bothered by this, and just handed over some notes and said it was OK, as he could pay him back later.

Whilst they were driving back to the car, the stranger remarked to Savalas that he knew Harry Agannis. When Savalas asked who he was, the man said he was a baseball player with the Boston Red Sox. But Savalas had never heard of him. That was the extent of the conversation, and the man dropped Savalas back at his car.

The following day, Savalas received a big surprise when he read in a newspaper that the baseball player Agannis had died suddenly at the age of 24. Apparently he had died around about the same time that his name had been mentioned by the stranger in the car.

At first, Savalas attributed this to just pure coincidence. However, when he tried to phone the guy to give him his money back, a woman answered and Savalas explained why he was ringing. The woman sounded a little strange, and asked what car the guy had been driving and what he had been wearing. When Savalas told her, the woman began to cry, saying that Savalas had just described her husband - who'd died three years earlier.

Stunned by what the woman had told him, Savalas began to speculate on all kinds of possible explanations, but couldn't really think of anything logical that would definitely account for what he had experienced on that lonely road in the early hours of the morning. Thus, Savalas eventually came to accept that, apparently, he'd taken a ride in a car with a dead man.

Article Source:  Celebrity Ghost Stories - Telly Savalas

Now go onto the next, welcome to My Ghost Story

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Ghost Story- Ghost Stories

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By LeAnn R. Ralph

When I started teaching English at Northwestern Military and Naval Academy near Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, nobody warned me about the ghosts.

Northwestern -- a beautiful, old granite building -- was a boarding school. A hundred boys lived there, ranging in age from seventh grade through twelfth, although the building could have accommodated maybe twice as many. The school had been in existence for about a century. The hallway leading to the gymnasium was lined with photographs of all the graduating classes

The entrance to the school featured two wrought iron gates and a long driveway that wound through the extensive grounds. Trees, flowers and shrubs added to the park-like atmosphere.

Northwestern was both a military and a naval academy, and some of its graduates had served in World War I and World War II. A couple of those who had been killed in action were buried on the grounds. Considering the age of the building and its history, I suppose I should have expected ghosts -- or rather, I should have expected ghost stories.

But I didn't.

Not until one fall morning when my students came to class so upset that they couldn't concentrate on their school work.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" one of them asked finally.

"Yeah, Ms. Ralph. Do you believe in ghosts?" several others chimed in.

While I was attending the university to earn my teacher certification, none of the professors had mentioned how you were supposed to handle a question like this.

"Well," I said, "I think there are probably many things in this world that we don't understand."

By now, all of my students were giving me their utmost attention. If only they were this interested in English.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?" one of them asked.

I shook my head. "No. I've never seen a ghost."

"We have," said one young man.

"Really?" I said. "And when was this?"

"Last night."

"In our room."

"We did, too," said a couple of others.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It was just after lights out. Our curtain started moving."

Instead of doors, each of the dorm rooms had curtains covering the doorway.

"At first I thought it was the sergeant coming to check on us," my student said.

Military personnel  were on duty around the clock to supervise the boys.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"S-sss-some," he stammered.

"Something pulled the blanket off his bed," his roommate finished.

By now, all of the boys looked frightened.

"I don't want to stay here anymore," said one young man.

"Me, either."

"I'm calling my mom to tell her to come and get me."

"Me, too."

"All right everybody," I said. "Take a deep breath."

I waited for them to take a deep breath.

"Now let it out slowly."

They all did.

"What else happened?"

Other boys described pranks of a similar nature -- waking up in the middle of the night freezing cold, only to discover that their window was wide open when it had been shut and locked hours earlier; math books that had been sitting on their desks when they went to sleep were in the bottom of the garbage can when they woke up; uniforms were switched so that when they started to get dressed in the morning, they discovered they didn't have their own clothes.

"Hmmm," I said. "Who do you think would play tricks like that?"

My students considered the question for a few moments.

"Well, it kind of sounds like something we would do," said one young man.

" DOES sound like something we would do!"

"You mean you think it's a real person...?"

"Or is it a ghost, one of those guys that's buried here...?"

"I think it's one of us."

"But even if it's a ghost, it's still one of us -- a cadet."

"Yeah, it WOULD be a cadet, wouldn't it..."

I smiled to myself as they continued their discussion. At least they didn't seem so frightened anymore.

For the rest of the fall the incidents continued. Then they stopped as abruptly as they had started. Either the culprit was afraid he was going to get caught, or else. . .

Wait a minute. You don't suppose there really WAS a ghost?

Naaa. . .couldn't be.

About The Author

LeAnn R. Ralph is the editor of the Wisconsin Regional Writer (the quarterly publication of the Wisconsin Regional Writers' Assoc.) and is the author of the book: Christmas In Dairyland (True Stories From a Wisconsin Farm) (trade paperback; August 2003). Share the view from Rural Route 2 and celebrate Christmas during a simpler time. Click here to read sample chapters and other Rural Route 2 stories

Article Source:  Ghost Stories

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