Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Ghost Story- Celebrity Ghost Stories, Telly Savalas

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Alan To

Best known for his iconic TV portrayal of the lollipop-loving detective Theo Kojak, the late, great Greek-born actor Telly Savalas had a real ghostly experience whilst driving home on Long Island at 3 a.m. one summer morning in 1954, when he ran out of petrol and decided to walk to a nearby freeway where he knew there would be a petrol station still open for service.

He walked through a wooded park, as a shortcut, when suddenly this man called out: "I'll give you a lift!"

Savalas admitted to being quite shaken by the voice, as he hadn't heard the big black Cadillac pull up beside him. But the man, who was dressed all in white, looked okay, and he took Telly to the service station. Once there, Savalas became instantly embarrassed on finding that he did not have enough change for the petrol. However, the stranger didn't seem bothered by this, and just handed over some notes and said it was OK, as he could pay him back later.

Whilst they were driving back to the car, the stranger remarked to Savalas that he knew Harry Agannis. When Savalas asked who he was, the man said he was a baseball player with the Boston Red Sox. But Savalas had never heard of him. That was the extent of the conversation, and the man dropped Savalas back at his car.

The following day, Savalas received a big surprise when he read in a newspaper that the baseball player Agannis had died suddenly at the age of 24. Apparently he had died around about the same time that his name had been mentioned by the stranger in the car.

At first, Savalas attributed this to just pure coincidence. However, when he tried to phone the guy to give him his money back, a woman answered and Savalas explained why he was ringing. The woman sounded a little strange, and asked what car the guy had been driving and what he had been wearing. When Savalas told her, the woman began to cry, saying that Savalas had just described her husband - who'd died three years earlier.

Stunned by what the woman had told him, Savalas began to speculate on all kinds of possible explanations, but couldn't really think of anything logical that would definitely account for what he had experienced on that lonely road in the early hours of the morning. Thus, Savalas eventually came to accept that, apparently, he'd taken a ride in a car with a dead man.

Article Source:  Celebrity Ghost Stories - Telly Savalas

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Ghost Story- Ghost Stories

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By LeAnn R. Ralph

When I started teaching English at Northwestern Military and Naval Academy near Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, nobody warned me about the ghosts.

Northwestern -- a beautiful, old granite building -- was a boarding school. A hundred boys lived there, ranging in age from seventh grade through twelfth, although the building could have accommodated maybe twice as many. The school had been in existence for about a century. The hallway leading to the gymnasium was lined with photographs of all the graduating classes

The entrance to the school featured two wrought iron gates and a long driveway that wound through the extensive grounds. Trees, flowers and shrubs added to the park-like atmosphere.

Northwestern was both a military and a naval academy, and some of its graduates had served in World War I and World War II. A couple of those who had been killed in action were buried on the grounds. Considering the age of the building and its history, I suppose I should have expected ghosts -- or rather, I should have expected ghost stories.

But I didn't.

Not until one fall morning when my students came to class so upset that they couldn't concentrate on their school work.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" one of them asked finally.

"Yeah, Ms. Ralph. Do you believe in ghosts?" several others chimed in.

While I was attending the university to earn my teacher certification, none of the professors had mentioned how you were supposed to handle a question like this.

"Well," I said, "I think there are probably many things in this world that we don't understand."

By now, all of my students were giving me their utmost attention. If only they were this interested in English.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?" one of them asked.

I shook my head. "No. I've never seen a ghost."

"We have," said one young man.

"Really?" I said. "And when was this?"

"Last night."

"In our room."

"We did, too," said a couple of others.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It was just after lights out. Our curtain started moving."

Instead of doors, each of the dorm rooms had curtains covering the doorway.

"At first I thought it was the sergeant coming to check on us," my student said.

Military personnel  were on duty around the clock to supervise the boys.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"S-sss-some," he stammered.

"Something pulled the blanket off his bed," his roommate finished.

By now, all of the boys looked frightened.

"I don't want to stay here anymore," said one young man.

"Me, either."

"I'm calling my mom to tell her to come and get me."

"Me, too."

"All right everybody," I said. "Take a deep breath."

I waited for them to take a deep breath.

"Now let it out slowly."

They all did.

"What else happened?"

Other boys described pranks of a similar nature -- waking up in the middle of the night freezing cold, only to discover that their window was wide open when it had been shut and locked hours earlier; math books that had been sitting on their desks when they went to sleep were in the bottom of the garbage can when they woke up; uniforms were switched so that when they started to get dressed in the morning, they discovered they didn't have their own clothes.

"Hmmm," I said. "Who do you think would play tricks like that?"

My students considered the question for a few moments.

"Well, it kind of sounds like something we would do," said one young man.

" DOES sound like something we would do!"

"You mean you think it's a real person...?"

"Or is it a ghost, one of those guys that's buried here...?"

"I think it's one of us."

"But even if it's a ghost, it's still one of us -- a cadet."

"Yeah, it WOULD be a cadet, wouldn't it..."

I smiled to myself as they continued their discussion. At least they didn't seem so frightened anymore.

For the rest of the fall the incidents continued. Then they stopped as abruptly as they had started. Either the culprit was afraid he was going to get caught, or else. . .

Wait a minute. You don't suppose there really WAS a ghost?

Naaa. . .couldn't be.

About The Author

LeAnn R. Ralph is the editor of the Wisconsin Regional Writer (the quarterly publication of the Wisconsin Regional Writers' Assoc.) and is the author of the book: Christmas In Dairyland (True Stories From a Wisconsin Farm) (trade paperback; August 2003). Share the view from Rural Route 2 and celebrate Christmas during a simpler time. Click here to read sample chapters and other Rural Route 2 stories

Article Source:  Ghost Stories

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Ghost Story- Celebrity Ghost Stories Jack Lemmon

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Alan To 

Academy Award-winning actor Jack Lemmon had two strange encounters with the paranormal. Lemmon first sprang to international stardom in the 1959 movie Some Like It Hot, which also starred Marilyn Munroe and Tony Curtis. In that same year, whilst working on the occult thriller Bell, Book and Candle, he had an experience of ESP.

Lemmon was just 15 at the time of this experience, and he was attending the Andover Press School in Massachusetts. He was playing tennis with his classmate Jerry. Right at the moment when he was about to hit a serve, Jerry suddenly doubled up as if he was in pain and fell to the ground. Lemmon immediately ran round the court and asked him what was wrong. Jerry didn't know. But what he did know, however, was that something terrible had happened.

Lemmon said that the two boys finished their game, but his friend's mind was clearly on something else. When they returned to their room, their minds cogitated deeply on what had happened. Jerry described the sudden pain as an almost physical one, an overwhelming realization so intense that he could virtually feel it, that something terrible had happened to somebody he loved. Just an hour later he was summoned to the principal's office. When he got there, he was told some very bad news: his mother had died - almost exactly one hour earlier.

Fifty years later, Lemmon encountered another paranormal experience whilst appearing on stage in London at the Haymarket Theatre, where he was starring in the anti-war play, Veteran's Day, with Michael Gambon. In July 1989, he claimed to have seen a spirit three times in less than a week! Not surprisingly, these three ghostly visitations shook Lemmon up quite considerably. He said that he'd been alone in his dressing room, with all the windows shut, and that the door had mysteriously opened and slammed, even though there was nobody outside. His initial reaction was that maybe somebody was playing a practical joke on him, but then he doubted the wisdom of anybody venturing to play such a prank on a guy of his age. With this in mind, Lemmon came to the conclusion that it was the work of a ghost. Lemmon expressed how terrified he felt at the thought of some supernatural entity watching him.

The theatre staff had little doubt that the ghost that Lemmon had encountered was that of a former stage manager, George Buxton, who had died on the premises some fifty years earlier. The ghost had been reported on a number of occasions over the last century. Buxton had a reputation for always making sure that the theatre was clean and tidy, and he always kept the doors shut.

Article Source:  Celebrity Ghost Stories - Jack Lemmon

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Monday, June 27, 2011

My Ghost Story- What Ghost Stories Are Perfect For Halloween Horror?

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Mike Selvon

As you hold the flashlight beneath your chin, eerily illuminating your face, you glance around the semi-circle of kids holding onto marshmallows and sticks over the camp fire, and some are intently staring at you with wide eyes, others looking around at their friends for support. Telling ghost stories is one of the oldest pastimes in the world; a way of exorcising our anxieties and deepest fears through a cathartic tale. If you're looking for another ghost story to tell around a campfire, then here are some suggestions for all different ages and scare levels.

If you have little ones, then you'll want to get them in the mood for Halloween fun, yet you don't want to scare them silly with stories about ghosts. Theatrical storyteller Mary Jo Maichack plays guitar and fiddle on her audio CD, while combining folklore and "howlarious" Halloween jokes.

She'll offer kids a variety of voices, from a Hungarian ghost to a goofy vampire to comprise a funny version of Halloween. The "Ghosthunters series," by Cornelia Funke, combines humor, illustrations and gross stuff for seven-to-nine-year-olds to enjoy.

"Fungus the Bogeyman," by Raymond Briggs, is a good picture book stuffed with puns and illustrations that'll have your little ones roaring with laughter as they follow a monster through his daily routine. "It's Halloween!," by Jack Prelutsky, includes thirteen separate poems about Halloween and isn't really a ghost story, but will certainly gets the kids in the mood. There is also a great collection of audio books and stories at "Surfnetkids Audiobooks Short Stories" that may be suitable for your children.

Tweens in the chapter-book age especially love ghostly stories. If you want an innocuous chapter book to get your child in the mood of Halloween, then try James Howe's "Bunnicula," which is a funny story about a little rabbit who sucks the life out of carrots with his fangs. "Truly Scary Stories For Fearless Kids" will introduce your child to timeless classic stories of the ghosts described by Bram Stoker's "Dracula's Guest", Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and E. Nesbit's "Wedding," to name a few. Esteemed author Roald Dah who wrote"The Witches" and "James and the Giant Peach" has sifted through 749 creepy tales before selecting the best for his collection, "Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories," which provides a collection of stories that'll "give you the creeps and disturb your thoughts." "Halloween Night" by R.L. Stine is a good pick for kids who are well into chapter books. The "Fear Street" series is a bit scarier than the popular "Goosebumps" books, but all offer good writing and carefully unraveled creepy plots that'll keep your kids turning the pages.

For some people, ghostly stories aren't enough. Now there is a whole cultural phenomenon surrounding the idea of ghost hunters, as seen on the TV show by the same name. Some avid paranormal enthusiasts use books of ghost stories as launching points for ghost hunting expeditions of their own. They'll visit Alcatraz, Amityville, The Winchester House, Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, the Lemp Mansion, the Viscilla Ax Murder House, the Old Slave House on Hickory Hill, Bobby Mackey's Music World, Myrtles Plantation and Gettysburg.

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Article Source:  What Ghost Stories Are Perfect For Halloween Horror?

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Ghost Story- How to Tell Good Ghost Stories

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Benedict Smythe Suler

Whether it is on Halloween night or simply sitting around a campfire with your closest friends, telling ghost stories is a popular American tradition that goes way back. The idea of course is to tell a story that terrifies the listeners in a frightening yet entertaining way. Typically, these short stories center on a supernatural being or occurrence such as haunted house, vampires, white gliding ghosts, monsters and psychotic humans. While most stories are fictional or urban legends, many listeners still believe some of these as they hear them from a lot of sources. Telling scary stories is a fun thing to especially if you're already good at it as your young relatives and friends will ask you to tell them your ghost stories over and over again. To be good at telling ghost stories you have to keep three things in mind.


Before you start looking for good ghost stories to tell, you should be aware of who your audience is first. Knowing who you're going to tell the story to is crucial because people have different opinions and takes on topics. If you're planning to tell a story with gruesome images, telling it to teenagers and young adults would be a safe bet, but not to children as imagining horrible and repugnant scenes may be too much for their innocent little brains. That said, always remember to match the level of horror your story has to the level of tolerance your audience has. Now, there are plenty of urban legends out there that you can use. These include the "Mothman" in West Virginia, or the "Hunted Railroad Tracks" in San Antonio, Texas, or the local "Big Foot" sightings, which always works well with the kids. There are far more short stories that can be found in the internet. Just visit your favorite search engine and type the kind of story you have in mind.

Choose the right venue and have props ready

To be honest, setting the ambience is more important than the story itself. If you told a really scary story during breakfast, none of your listeners would get scared. In fact, laughter would probably be the more appropriate reaction than getting scared. The point is you have to set the right mood in order to tell a scary story effectively. You will need a dark room or dark outdoors, candles, firewood (if applicable), flashlights, atonal music, and a really low voice. The more props the better. Getting a partner to help you out in delivering the story is even better as he can help you with the effects. For instance, you can have your partner turn a fan on the room briefly so the candles would flicker, or have him slam a door during suspenseful point in the story. Be creative.

Practice makes perfect

Once you're done with the setting and props, it's now time to practice telling the story. Ideally, you should practice in front of a mirror with all the props present so that actually telling the story will be automatic. This also helps you identify the right voice tonalities on the parts of the story that matter. Most importantly, learn the story by heart. Believe it, or at least make your audience believe you believe it. GP

Benedict Smythe is an article writer for Costume Finder. Costume Finder is one of the UK's leading suppliers of Fancy Dress Costumes  such as Vampire and Skeleton Costumes

Article Source:  How to Tell Good Ghost Stories

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Ghost Story- Ghost Stories and Why We Love Them

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By Ilse A Turnbull 

Ghost stories have been around as long as man has. Whether or not we believe in ghosts, we will sit and listen, allowing ourselves to be pulled into the story and the world of the afterlife. Sometimes it's a world filled with awe and wonder, but most often it's one of bone chilling fear.

There is something that grips us while someone begins to spin the tale for us, we'll sit quietly while our hearts beat faster and faster, more than willing to go along with the storyteller whether we believe in ghosts or not.

Why Do We Love Ghost Stories?

Ghost stories are fun, and most of us enjoy a good scare. What better to scare us with than a force we have little power against, and with the added possibility that after we die we may enjoy that power too. Becoming a ghost is a continuation of this life, we are helpless to take any other course, it's a natural right of passage, the natural course of things. You are born, you die and you become a ghost. No harm, no foul, what more could we ask for?

Telling ghost stories fills the need we as humans can't deny, the possibility that we don't simply turn to dust and fade from the earth when our bodies no longer are of any use to us. Even the greatest sceptic is willing to put their view aside, even if it's only subconsciously, and wonder if it's possible to come back after death and pay a little visit to those we love, or perhaps those we were never too fond of.

It's the mystery of unknown in ghost stories we hear that draws us to them. Hearing a story from someone who has experienced something we hope to a visit from the dead. Even though we might say we never want to deep inside we think a tiny glimpse wouldn't be such a bad thing.

It's a reaffirmation of the likelihood of life after death. It's a glimpse into the mystery of something we know very little about but a journey we will all take eventually.

For some of us it's reassuring and for others absolutely terrifying, but in the end ghost stories hold a fascination for all of us whether they are truth or fiction and we'll gladly huddle around the storyteller with rapt attention while he tells us of his most terrifying experience.

Ilse A Turnbull has been interested in ghosts and the paranormal since the time her family moved into a 200 year old farm house and found out it was haunted. The adventure began then and hasn't ended yet. You can find some of her true ghost stories right here at

Article Source:  Ghost Stories and Why We Love Them

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My Ghost Story- Living with Sharon Tate

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

Here's a video of a haunting of Sharon Tate, I watched this on an episode of Ghost Hunters.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

My Ghost Story-A True Ghost Story From Ireland

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on My Ghost Story. Although, these are written stories, I will be posting some of my very own short ghost stories. But for now, I hope these articles by various authors at Ezine Articles, some should, have you on the edge of your seat, and some maybe not as much. But, one thing is for sure, you will be plenty entertained by some of these creative story tellers. So, sit back grab a cup of coffee or whatever your preference may be... and just enjoy yourselves, while reading through these short paranormal ghost stories.

By David Slone

I want to tell you about a ghost experience that was shared with me by a friend from Ireland, but first a few words in general about ghosts:

A ghost is the spirit of a dead person, or sometimes an animal, and sometimes manifests looking very much as they did in life, and is usually encountered in places the person spent a lot of time while they were corporeal. The word "ghost" is also used to reference any spirit or demon. Ghosts are usually found haunting the area in which they died.

According to parapsychological circles a ghost haunting is the nearly steady occurrence of supernatural phenomena associated with a particular area, like a house or a stretch of highway, and is attributed to the activities of a disembodied entity, or ghost. The haunting may include the physical appearance of a ghost, or some poltergeist activity, glowing orbs, disembodied voices, etc.

Ghosts are a strange phenomena that has fascinated mankind for ages. According a 2005 Gallup poll, about 32% of Americans believed ghosts exist. The word apparition is now used in the field of parapsychology, because the word ghost is thought to be too imprecise.

The belief in ghosts as the souls, or spirits of the person who has passed on is tied to the very old concept of animism, which teaches that everything in nature has a soul, including, animals, plants, human beings, rocks, trees, etc.

Ghosts, whether you believe in them or not, are a part of human history. For as long as man has sought for the meaning of his existence and the knowledge of what happens after a person dies, stories of encounters with the ghosts, or spirits, of loved ones have been told. For some, it is a comfort, a confirmation that there is life after death.

For even more ghost stories and paranormal subjects visit   rel=nofollow

Here is a true ghost experience that was shared with me by a friend:

Well I remember when I was about 6 years of age my parents had bought a small hotel in the west of Ireland, I used to get very bad nightmares all the time from the time they moved in, one night I remember waking up in the middle of the night and the curtain on the window of the bedroom was suspended up in the air, and something said my surname, the window was shut and there was no breeze, I knew this was out of the ordinary and started roaring.

Anyway we had a live in barmaid from the country and she used to hear noises in the wardrobe at night, she would hop out of bed and open the wardrobe thinking it was mice or something, there was never anything there when she did open it, things progressed so that sometimes she would see the door knob of her bedroom door turning and she would open the door and there would be nobody there.

One Night she dreamt she was being smothered and woke up with a startle and saw a "habit" (the Robe they bury a dead person in) floating across the room and disappear through the wall. My dad did some enquiries with locals and it turned out that someone had hanged themselves in the barmaids bedroom.

Needless to Say we didn't stay too much longer after that!

There is definitely something out there!

If you like to read real life ghost stories visit True Ghost Tales at where you will find ghost stories and pictures, werewolves, vampires, monsters and more.

Article Source:  A True Ghost Story From Ireland

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